Date: 06. 06. 2016.

Representatives of the Department of Information and Communication Traffic, Associate Professor Dragan Peraković, Ph.D., Assistant Professor Marko Periša, Ph.D. and Ivan Cvitić, M.Eng. visited the University of Applied Sciences - FH Campus Wien, Vienna, Austria during the period from May 30 to June 03 2016.

As part of the Erasmus+ mobility program, a series of lectures were held to (full-time and part-time) students from undergraduate and graduate Engineering study programs of Information Technology and Telecommunications, IT security, Technical Management, Applied Electronics and Embedded Systems Engineering:

- Associate Professor Dragan Peraković, Ph.D. on the topic of Mobile Forensics and

- Ivan Cvitić, M.Eng, on the topic of Network Forensics.

As part of the Erasmus+ mobility program several meetings and numerous discussions were held with representatives of the FH Campus Wien, with the aim of deepening and improving the existing cooperation between the two institutions through teaching and scientific - research activities and encouraging mobility of students and staff.

During the meetings, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences and the Department of Information and Communication Traffic was presented. Special interest from hosts was expressed for cooperation with the new Laboratory of Development and Research of  Information  and Communication Assistive Technology, which is presented by Assistant Professor Marko Periša, Ph.D.
