Date: 21. 10. 2016.

Members of the Department of Information and Communication Traffic, Štefica Mrvelj and Marko Matulin have published a paper titled "Impact of packet loss on the perceived quality of UDP-based multimedia streaming: a study of user quality of experience in real-life environments" in Multimedia Systems journal (ISSN: 0942-4962).

The paper analyzes the correlation between the user audio-visual perception of video quality and different objective quality parameters such as packet loss. User Quality of Experience was analyzed among a panel of 602 test subjects who evaluated the quality of 72 different test sequences in real-life conditions. The paper is avaliable on this link.

Multimedia Systems journal is published by Springer and it is indexed in Science Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), SCOPUS, Current Contents/Engineering, Computing and Technology. In 2015 impact factor of the juornal was 1.41.
