The duration of the project

2012.   -   2014.


HINT Project (Harmonized Inland Navigation Transport through Education and Information Technology)

The project has harmonized approach based on shared European benchmarks in education and training developing the key competences and organisational skills, unifying the education and training system and offering a result of equal opportunities and extensive mobility to nautical labour force in the Danube corridor. The project meets prerogatives of the Danube Strategy, the Transport White Paper 2011 – Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area and the objectives of the Danube Commission. Network, harmonization and IT deployment result with fostering of the existing Danube network of education and training, administrative organisations and additional stakeholders working in the field of inland navigation and stimulate exchange and innovation activities in the Danube region. The joint activities cover common working topics ranging from harmonization of education and training in inland navigation along with European initiatives, facilitating eGovernment and IT deployment, integrating inland navigation knowledge in transport logistics education and training to the capitalisation of results of the NELI project like the eLearning platform for Danube navigation – IneS Danube. Conception and future large-scale implementation result with conception and planning of transnational Danube-wide strategies for a future “Danube School Ship” and a “Danube Navigation Simulator”, for the purpose of reinforcement of education and information technology in the mid-term future. Promotion and awareness building results with promoting and campaigning the topics jobs, skills and employments in the field of Danube navigation via already existing and new established Information and Training Centres inviting stakeholder groups to learn more about the future of Danube navigation, but also through on-the-spot visits for meeting the target group within their daily working and life environment.