The duration of the project

2013.   -   2014.


Information and Communication Services for the Movement of People with Reduced and Difficult Mobility through Transport Network

The development of the contemporary information and communication systems results in everyday use of new solutions and services enabled by advanced and complex user devices. The services and applications developed for mobile terminal devices provide users with larger amounts of real-time information possibly based on the user’s location (with the appliance of GNSS, NFC, RFID, Wi-Fi and similar technologies). The simplicity and reliability of mobile terminal devices are the main reasons for their appliance in order to provide the inclusion of persons with reduced mobility (targeted user group –TUG) into everyday life activities. A special attention must be provided to individual TUGs, including the persons with a specific type of disability (the blind and visually impaired) moving through the traffic network. In the case of navigational applications or real-time informing, the unavailability of communication network or service can truly endanger the user.

The research conducted so far have given a contribution for development of the technical and technological solutions of new communication services. While developing services for the TUGs it is necessary to define a specific user demands and limitations in appliance, and to conduct an analysis of educational issues for the users of application solution. One of the research goals is the identification of relevant parameters that will ensure safe movement of TUG through the traffic network. This will define specific individual user requests that will provide a basis for the development and the appliance of new services within the traffic system. One of the goals is to define a new value chain of service deployment. In order to achieve wanted goals, it is necessary to conduct the analysis of technical and technological factors of applied equipment and available application solutions considering varieties of used OSs (Android, Windows and iOS). The analysis will be performed in a cooperation with the members of the Croatian Society for Promotion and Development of Tiphlotechnology, the TUGs with specific type of disability (the blind and visually impaired). The OPNET Modeler programming tool is used to perform a simulation of parameters affecting the performance of information and communication system and the quality of provided service. The given results will be reflected in a new conceptual deployment model of ICT service that will help the TUG in their everyday movement through the city traffic network. The resulting service will be modulated and simulated in OPNET Modelar tool in order to define a new value chain of service deployment. This research will form the basis for future development of new ICT services applicable within the traffic system.