I.Forenbacher, D.Peraković, I.Jovović

RCITD 2014

Mobile Telephony Price Benchmarking in Croatia

D.Peraković, S.Husnjak, I.Cvitić

22nd Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR) Beograd, 25.-27.11.2014.

IoT Infrastructure as a Basis for New Information Services in the ITS Environment

M.Periša, D.Peraković, S. Šarić

Promet – Traffic&Transportation, Vol. 26, 2014, No. 3, 209-218

Conceptual Model of Providing Traffic Navigation Services to Visually Impaired Persons

S. Šarić, S. Husnjak, I. Forenbacher

ZIRP 2014

Guidelines for Expansion of Broadband Internet access in rural Croatia

D. Peraković, I. Grgurević, M. Periša

POWA 2013

Innovative Information and Communication Services for Greener Freight Transport

D. Peraković, S.Husnjak, I.Forenbacher

ICTTE 2012, Belgrade, Serbia

The Market potentional of M2M Communications for Telecommunications operators