Curriculum Vitae
Personal Information
Place of birth: Dudelange, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Date of birht: 31. December 1977.
Nationality: Croatian
Scientific area: Technical Sciences
Scientific field: Electrical Engineering
Scientific branch: Automatization and robotics
Academic degree: Ph.D.
Title: Associate professor
2001 - 2009: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (Ph.D. in electrical engineering, branch automatization and robotics)
1996 - 2001: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (B.Sc. in electrical engineering, branch control)
1992 - 1996: High school Krapina (electro-technician)
Employment History
2011 – today: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, Department of Intelligent Transport Systems (UNIZG-FTTS)
2001 – 2011: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Department of Control and Computer Engineering (UNIZG-FER)
Honorary Employment
2017 - today: Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, Lecturer for courses: Electrical engineering, and Electronic elements and circuits
2017 - today: WYG consulting Ltd., evaluator of EU structural fund project proposals
2010 – 2011: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, Teacher for courses: Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Algorithms and Programing, Artificial Intelligence
2006 – 2009: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Referral Centre for Matlab
2001 - 2009: Siemens Croatia, Lecturer for PLC programming seminars
Research Interests
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Intelligent control of road traffic systems, Adaptive traffic light control, Variable speed limit control, Ramp metering, Estimation and prediction of traffic parameters, Application of computer vision in road traffic, Autonomous vehicles
Conference program committee member
11th Int'l Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2019), 23-25 September 2019, Dubrovnik, Croatia
International Conference Science and Traffic Development ZIRP2019: Next Generation Transport Industry Innovations, Opatija, Zagreb
International Conference Science and Traffic Development ZIRP2018: Transport and Logistics Industray in Digital Age, Opatija, Zagreb
Workshop on Program for simulation of research and innovation at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences PROM-PRO - Programming period 2016 - 2018, 2018, Zagreb, Croatia
Second International Workshop on Data Science (IWDS 2017), 2017, Zagreb, Croatia
Professional Meeting and Workshop on Program for simulation of research and innovation at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences PROM-PRO - Programming period 2015 - 2017, 2017, Zagreb, Croatia
First International Workshop on Data Science (IWDS 2016), 2016, Zagreb, Croatia
First international conference on transportation and logistics ICTL'2015: Towards Sustainable Solutions for Transports and Logistics Problems, 2015, Sousse, Tunisia
9th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis ISPA2015
Croatian Computer Vision Workshop in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017, Zagreb, Croatia
Obtained grants
ERASMUSplus teaching grant Department for transport engineering, Engineering school of Sao Carlos – EESC-USP, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2018./2019.
ERASMUSplus teaching grant at the Department for traffic and transport, Faculty of Technical Sciences, “St Kliment Ohridski” University Bitola, Northern Macedonia, 2018./2019.
ERASMUSplus teaching grant at the Department for traffic and transport, Faculty of Technical Sciences, “St Kliment Ohridski” University Bitola, Macedonia, 2016./2017.
UNIZG-FTTS PROM-PRO grant for the project Navigation of electric vehicles with the criteria of minimal energy consumption (2015.-2017.)
EU JCR Institute for Energy and Transport grant for the Road-transport & Emissions Modelling (REM) workshop Skopje, Macedonia (2015.)
ERASMUSplus teaching grant at the Remote Controls and Electronics for Transports Department, Transports Faculty, Universitatea Politehnica Din Bucuresti, Bucharest, Romania (2014./2015.)
UNIZG grant for the 19th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society REAL CORP 2014 PLAN IT SMART! Clever Solutions for Smart Cities, Vienna, Austria (2014.)
EU COST grant for the 1st Summer School Autonomic Road Transport Support Systems: foundations & techniques, 2013.
Tehnical Skills
Good knowledge of application of machine learning in traffic control
Good knowledge of road traffic network simulation using CTMSIM and VISSIM/VISUM
Good knowledge about traffic control algorithms for signalized intersectins, variable speed limit control and ramp metering
Good knowledge of Step7 Siemens PLC programming and equipment
Good knowledge of MobileRobots Inc. mobile robots equipment and programming
Good knowledge of CNC technology
Computer Skills
Good knowledge of software packages Matlab/Simulink, MS Visual Studio, MS Office, Raptor, LaTeX, WinEdt and Sharelatex editor environment
Good knowledge of PLC programming languages LAD, FBD and STL
Knowledge of programming languages C, C++ and C#
Knowledge of Linux and Windows OS
Attended improvement courses
Course “Teaching outcomes in higher education and constructive alignment”, Faculty of transport and traffic sciences, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, 2018.
Global Leadership Summit, Association of business people Partner, Zagreb, Croatia, 2017.
Course "Mentoring Ph.D. students", Faculty of transport and traffic sciences, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, 2016.
Road-transport & Emissions Modelling (REM) workshop Skopje, Macedonia, 2015.
Course "Managing a team and discipline", Faculty of transport and traffic sciences, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, 2014.
1st Summer School Autonomic Road Transport Support Systems: foundations & techniques, IFSTTAR and ENPC, Paris, France, 2013.
Course "Learning outcomes, comptences - elements of evaluation and assesment", Faculty of transport and traffic sciences, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, 2013.
Isel CNC machine maintenance, programming and commissioning, Isel Germany AG, 2011.
Course “Management during enterprise development and growth”, Development Agency Zagreb - TPZ Ltd., 2009.
Course ”Dealing with difficult people in business environment”, Association Fokus & Svijet Zaposlenih, 2008.
Course "Dealing with dangers and protection from fire", Zagrebinspekt d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia, 2003.
English language course for students, Foreign language school Sova, 2 semesters, 2001./2002.
Personal Interests
CRO Ryu Ju-Jitsu, biking, personal improvement, swimming, watching movies
Croatian, English, German
ITS Croatia
KoREMA - Croatian Society for Communications, Computing, Electronics, Measurement and Control
IEEE - The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Honours & Awards
Award from Siemens for achievements in improving the education and lectures of automation by implementing SIMATIC automatization systems, 2018.
Award from the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences for special achievements in teaching, 2017.
Bronze plaque Josip Lončar of UNIZG-FER Faculty council as best control bachelor course student (summa cum laude), 2001.
One year scholarship of the Pliva d.d. company for gifted children of Pliva d.d. workers, 1998 .
Student scholarship of the Croatian Ministry of science, education and sports, 1997. – 2001.