
Chapter in book Smart Technology Trends in Industrial and Business Management

17. 02. 2019.

Paper entitled Smart Wristband System for Improving Quality of Life for Users in Traffic Environment by Dragan Peraković, Marko Periša, Rosana Elizabeta Sente, Petra Zorić, Boris Bucak, Andrej Ignjatić, Vlatka Mišić, Matea Vuletić, Nada Bijelica, Luka Brletić and Ana Papac is published as chapter in a Springer book Smart Technology Trends in Industrial and Business Management.



Student internship at Infobip

23. 01. 2019.

Our students have been given the opportunity to gain professional experience at an early stage of their careers, as a part of two internship programs from a global IT and telecommunications company Infobip in cooperation with the Department of Information and Communication Traffic. Find out more below.



Public defense of the doctoral dissertation draft

15. 01. 2019.

An employee of the Department, Ivan Cvitić defended his doctoral thesis draft. The public defense of the doctoral dissertation topic was held in the hall D1 of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences of the University of Zagreb on Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 12 noon.


The Laboratory of Security and Forensic Analysis of Information Communication Systems
Laboratory for Security and Forensic Analysis of Information and Communication System


Laboratory of Modelling and Optimization of Information and Communication Networks and Services
Laboratory of Modelling and Optimization of Information and Communication Networks and Services


Laboratory of Development and Research of Information and Communication Assistive Technology
Laboratory of Development and Research of Information and Communication Assistive Technology
