
Open applications for SPAN ACADEMY 2019

11. 04. 2019.

SPAN ACADEMY 2019 is a summer internship program that is being held for the fourth year and is designed for technology-focused students and devoted to acquiring practical knowledge in the field of infrastructure:


Span Infrastructure Academy - System Administration & Engeneering




[Education] Forensic analysis of information and communication network and mobile devices

19. 03. 2019.

In the offices of INsig2 company members of the Department Ivan Cvitić, mag. ing. traff. and Siniša Husnjak, PhD, participated in education in the field of network and mobile forensic analysis.

Education in the field of network forensics was conducted by Davorka Topločić, mag. Ing. inf. et comm. techn., INsig2 digital forensics consultant.

Education in the field of mobile forensic analysis conducted under the leadership of Krešimir Hausknecht, mag. Ing. inf. et comm. techn., Head of INsig2 Digital Forensics Division.


Forensic analysis of mobile devices - SPF Pro

18. 03. 2019.

Students of the final year of the graduate study of Information and Communication Traffic, in collaboration with the company SalvationDATA, through the laboratory exercises of the course Forensic Analysis of Information and Communication System tested the SPF Pro tool.

SPF Pro is the next generation of SalvationDATA mobile forensics tool and is a powerful and integrated platform for digital investigations. It helps investigators to recover and collect critical forensic evidence from huge backlogs of even locked smartphones and extract more evidentiary data in less time than ever before.

The Laboratory of Security and Forensic Analysis of Information Communication Systems
Laboratory for Security and Forensic Analysis of Information and Communication System


Laboratory of Modelling and Optimization of Information and Communication Networks and Services
Laboratory of Modelling and Optimization of Information and Communication Networks and Services


Laboratory of Development and Research of Information and Communication Assistive Technology
Laboratory of Development and Research of Information and Communication Assistive Technology
