
Natječaj tvrtke Agrokor za inovativne studentske radove u 2017. godini

09. 03. 2017.

U  organizaciji tvrtke mStart, Agrokor d.d., s društvima koja čine Agrokor koncern, otvoren je natječaj te se poziva redovne studente da ponude tehnološko rješenje kao odgovor na postavljene stvarne izazove tvrtki članica Agrokor koncerna iz područja poslovnih procesa, elektroničkog poslovanja, organizacije, marketinga, unaprjeđenja usluga i robotizirane proizvodnje i to na način kako je određeno u uvjetima natječaja.

Uvjeti natječaja nalaze se u dokumentu u prilogu.

Koordinaciju aktivnosti na Fakultetu prometnih znanosti vrši Zavod za informacijsko-komunikacijski promet, a kontakt osoba je Siniša Husnjak.


Book "E-Business - State of the Art of ICT Based Challenges and Solutions"

21. 01. 2017.

Head of the Department for Information and Communication Traffic, assoc. prof. Dragan Peraković, PhD is editor of scientific book "E-Business - State of the Art of ICT Based Challenges and Solutions". ​



Notice of membership at EAI (European Alliance for Innovation) community

29. 11. 2016.

The employees of Department of information and communication traffic, Assoc. prof. Dragan Peraković and Assist. prof. Marko Periša, have become members of EAI (European Alliance for Innovation).

Explanation: EAI was created by leaders from industry, research, and policy making organisations to engage the global community with the shared goal of securing Europe’s future competitiveness through innovation. By harnessing the potential of the ICT revolution, EAI engages the global community in all sectors of society to explore ways in which innovation in technology and business can benefit society at large.

The Community connects professionals through Web 2.0 tools, events and conferences, creating leadership on focused issues, and opportunities to share and discover ideas, best practices and services.


The Laboratory of Security and Forensic Analysis of Information Communication Systems
Laboratory for Security and Forensic Analysis of Information and Communication System


Laboratory of Modelling and Optimization of Information and Communication Networks and Services
Laboratory of Modelling and Optimization of Information and Communication Networks and Services


Laboratory of Development and Research of Information and Communication Assistive Technology
Laboratory of Development and Research of Information and Communication Assistive Technology
