
New work position in SPAN

28. 11. 2019.

Dear students,

one of the leading Croatian IT companies, SPAN, is looking for students at IKP for Support Consultant employment.

On the link you can find all the necessary information and application form.

Good luck!



International scientific conference MMS2020

13. 11. 2019.

5th EAI International Conference on Management of Manufacturing Systems - MMS2020 will be held in October 2020, Opatija, Croatia. Conference is organized under the umbrella of the European Alliance for Innovation - EAI, Gent, Belgium. Co-organizers of the conference are: Association for promoting innovative technologies - InnovativeFET, Zagreb, Croatia, Department of Information and Communication Traffic, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, and Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies, Technical University of Košice, Košice, Slovakia. 

For more info visit official conference web: http://manusystems.org.



Third Working Group Meeting and Management Committee in La Valleta, Malta

25. 10. 2019.

The head of the Department for Information and Communication Traffic, Full. Prof. Dragan Peraković, Ph.D, as Action MC member, participated in the 3rd  Working Group Meeting and 3rd Management Committee which were held on October 23-25, 2019 in La Valleta, Malta. 



The Laboratory of Security and Forensic Analysis of Information Communication Systems
Laboratory for Security and Forensic Analysis of Information and Communication System


Laboratory of Modelling and Optimization of Information and Communication Networks and Services
Laboratory of Modelling and Optimization of Information and Communication Networks and Services


Laboratory of Development and Research of Information and Communication Assistive Technology
Laboratory of Development and Research of Information and Communication Assistive Technology
