
Scientific paper published in TRANSPORT journal

04. 06. 2019.

A paper named “Beacon Technology for Real-Time Informing the Traffic Network Users about the Environment” and authored by Marko Periša, Ivan Cvitić, Dragan Peraković and Siniša Husnjak was published in TRANSPORT journal. The paper is available online can be downloaded free of charge at: https://journals.vgtu.lt/index.php/Transport/article/view/10402

See below for full details.



Span summer academy

28. 05. 2019.

Dear Colleagues ,

On the 3rd of June 2019, at 13:30, ZUK Borongaj, building 71, hall 5, Span will be presenting its Span Summer Academy...



Student internship at Infobip - Follow up

24. 05. 2019.

Our students have been given the opportunity again to gain professional experience at an early stage of their careers, as a part of two internship programs from a global IT and telecommunications company Infobip in cooperation with the Department of Information and Communication Traffic. Find out more below.


The Laboratory of Security and Forensic Analysis of Information Communication Systems
Laboratory for Security and Forensic Analysis of Information and Communication System


Laboratory of Modelling and Optimization of Information and Communication Networks and Services
Laboratory of Modelling and Optimization of Information and Communication Networks and Services


Laboratory of Development and Research of Information and Communication Assistive Technology
Laboratory of Development and Research of Information and Communication Assistive Technology
