
Agreement on business and technical cooperation

18. 09. 2014.

Department of Information and communication traffic and company Amodo Ltd. (http://www.amodo.eu) have signed an agreement on business and technical cooperation. Signature of the contract is a confirmation of previous cooperation and further research will be focused on Usage Based Insurance, Insurance Telematics, Pay-How-You-Drive and Pay-As-You-Drive models.


EIIC 2014

02. 09. 2014.

Authors Peraković, Periša and Dujmovic participate in the 3rd virtual conference EIIC in 2014 with an article titled Optimization of Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences Web based upon a student's habits. The conference will be held 01 till 05. September, 2014. More information about the conference can be seen on http://www.eiic.cz/about-conference/.


ICCHP Confernece 2014

07. 07. 2014.

In the time 9 to 11 July in Paris, France is held ICCHP 2014 conference on which the authors, M. Periša, I Jovović and D.Peraković participate with the paper "Recommendations for the Development of Information and Communication Services for Increasing the Mobility of Visually impaired Persons ".

The Laboratory of Security and Forensic Analysis of Information Communication Systems
Laboratory for Security and Forensic Analysis of Information and Communication System


Laboratory of Modelling and Optimization of Information and Communication Networks and Services
Laboratory of Modelling and Optimization of Information and Communication Networks and Services


Laboratory of Development and Research of Information and Communication Assistive Technology
Laboratory of Development and Research of Information and Communication Assistive Technology
