
Presentation of the project Croatian Quantum Communication Infrastructure (CroQCI) in the National and University Library

07. 05. 2024.

On May 7, 2024, the official presentation of the Croatian Quantum Communication Infrastructure - CroQCI project was held, during which the head of the Department of Information and Communication Traffic, Prof. Dr. Dragan Peraković, and head of the Laboratory of Security and Forensic Analysis of Information Communication Systems, Assist. Prof. Dr. Ivan Cvitić.



Visit to the Kaufland Croatia data center

30. 04. 2024.

On April 30, 2024, undergraduate and graduate students of the Traffic study program, specializing in Information and Communication Traffic, along with staff from the Department for Information and Communication Traffic, had a unique opportunity to expand their knowledge beyond the faculty premises during an organized tour of the Kaufland Croatia data center, located in the logistics center in Jastrebarsko.



Participation at the Fiberweek 2024 conference

26. 04. 2024.

As part of the activities of Work Package WP3 of the CroQCI project, led by the Department of Information and Communication Traffic at the Faculty of Traffic Sciences, members of the department, Prof. Dr. Dragan Peraković and Assistant Prof. Dr. Ivan Cvitić, participated in the 18th Fiberweek International Conference (Fiberweek 2024).


The Laboratory of Security and Forensic Analysis of Information Communication Systems
Laboratory for Security and Forensic Analysis of Information and Communication System


Laboratory of Modelling and Optimization of Information and Communication Networks and Services
Laboratory of Modelling and Optimization of Information and Communication Networks and Services


Laboratory of Development and Research of Information and Communication Assistive Technology
Laboratory of Development and Research of Information and Communication Assistive Technology


I. Cvitić, D. Peraković, M. Periša, B. Jerneić

Availability Protection of IoT Concept Based Telematics System in Transport

M. Periša, I. Cvitić, P. Kolarovszki

Challenges of Information and Communication Technologies Usage in E-Business Systems

I. Cvitić, D. Peraković, T. Kuljanić,

Availability Factors in Delivery of Information and Communication Resources to Traffic System Users

M. Periša et al.

Conceptual informing system architecture for drivers with reduced communication skills

M. Periša, I. Cvitić, R. E. Sente

IoT Services for increasing User Mobility in the Smart City Environment

D. Peraković, M. Periša, R. E. Sente

Improvement of Informing System for Persons with reduced Mobility at Airports

D. Peraković, M. Periša, R. E. Sente

New Challenges of ICT usage in Transport and Logistics

M. Periša, I. Cvitić, R. E. Sente

Comparative Analysis of Mobile Phone Application Solutions Accessibility for informing Visually Impaired Persons in Traffic Environment

M. Periša, I. Cvitić, R. E. Sente

Social Network Customer Requirements Analysis for Visually Impaired People