
Održano gostujuće predavanje pukovnika Tomislava Kravaice

26. 01. 2024.


QCI Days Vienna 2024

25. 01. 2024.

The members of the Department of Information and Communication Traffic, Prof Dragan Peraković, in the status of a Steering Committee member, and Assist. prof. Ivan Cvitić, a project team member of the CroQCI project, attends the QCI Days Vienna 2024 event.

The CroQCI project aims to implement experimental quantum communication systems and networks to create a highly secure communication environment for the European Union as part of the EuroQCI initiative.




Presentation of the CroQCI project at the THECUC 2023 conference

10. 11. 2023.

The members of the Department of Information and Communication Traffic, Prof Dragan Peraković and Assist. prof. Ivan Cvitić presented the Croatian Quantum Communication Infrastructure - CroQCI at the THECUC 2023 conference. The CroQCI project aims to implement experimental quantum communication systems and networks to create a highly secure communication environment for the European Union as part of the EuroQCI initiative.

The THECUC 2023 - Digital Transformation of Higher Education: Innovations for the Future of Learning & Teaching conference was organized by the Croatian Academic and Research Network - CARNET and gathered more than 500 different participants.


The Laboratory of Security and Forensic Analysis of Information Communication Systems
Laboratory for Security and Forensic Analysis of Information and Communication System


Laboratory of Modelling and Optimization of Information and Communication Networks and Services
Laboratory of Modelling and Optimization of Information and Communication Networks and Services


Laboratory of Development and Research of Information and Communication Assistive Technology
Laboratory of Development and Research of Information and Communication Assistive Technology


M. Periša, D. Peraković, J. Vaculík

Adaptive technologies for the blind and visual impaired persons in the traffic network

D.Peraković, M.Periša, I.Jovović

Near-Field Communication Technology for Informing Blind and Visually Impaired Persons when moving through Traffic Intersections

I.Grgurević, T.Milinović, M.Hunček, A.Stančić

Application of Information and Communication Technologies and Services in Carpooling Systems

M.Periša, I. Jovović, I.Forenbacher

A conceptual applicative solution for helping people with reduced mobility

D.Peraković, S.Husnjak, I.Cvitić

Comparative analysis of enterprise mobility management systems in BYOD environment

M.Matulin, Š.Mrvelj

Subjective Evaluation of Quality of Experience for Video Streaming Service

I.Forenbacher, D.Peraković, I.Jovović

Mobile Telephony Price Benchmarking in Croatia

D.Peraković, S.Husnjak, I.Cvitić

IoT Infrastructure as a Basis for New Information Services in the ITS Environment

M.Periša, I. Jovović, D.Peraković

Recommendations for the Development of Information and Communication Services for Increasing Mobility of Visually Impaired Persons