
Regular meeting of the Project Team of the CroQCI project

22. 03. 2024.

On Thursday, March 21, 2024, the Project Team for the CroQCI project held their regular bi-weekly meeting at the Department of Information and Communication Traffic. The Consortium members were presented with the results of the FTTS team's work on the development of QKD system simulation models. Also, a laboratory tour was organized at the FTTS for the attendees.



Lecture and visit to the Srce data center

15. 03. 2024.

On Thursday, March 14, 2024, a lecture was held by Srce experts employed in the Sector for Network Infrastructure and Data Centers and a guided tour of the data center HR-ZOO ZG2 for students of the third year of undergraduate studies and the first and second years of graduate studies majoring in Information and Communication Traffic.



Q2B 2024 Paris

07. 03. 2024.

The members of the Department of Information and Communication Traffic, Prof Dragan Peraković, in the status of a Steering Committee member, and Assist. prof. Ivan Cvitić, a project team member of the CroQCI project, attends the Q2B conference that takes place from March 7 to 8, 2024 in Paris.


The Laboratory of Security and Forensic Analysis of Information Communication Systems
Laboratory for Security and Forensic Analysis of Information and Communication System


Laboratory of Modelling and Optimization of Information and Communication Networks and Services
Laboratory of Modelling and Optimization of Information and Communication Networks and Services


Laboratory of Development and Research of Information and Communication Assistive Technology
Laboratory of Development and Research of Information and Communication Assistive Technology


I. Grgurević, A. Stančić, M. Slavulj

Identifying Relevant Factors of Applying Technologies in Dynamic Carpooling

Š. Mrvelj, M. Matulin

Impact of packet loss on the perceived quality of UDP‑based multimedia streaming: a study of user quality of experience in real‑life environments

Husnjak, Siniša; Peraković, Dragan; Cvitić, Ivan.

Relevant Affect Factors of Smartphone Mobile Data Traffic

P. Kolarovszki, Z. Kolarovska, D. Peraković, M. Periša

Laboratory Testing of Active and Passive UHF RFID Tags

P. Kolarovszki, J. Tengler, D. Peraković, M. Periša

Impact of sorting machine on life cycle of passive UHF RFID tags placed on letter mail

D. Peraković, M. Periša, V. Sedlar

Research of Iot Concept in monitoring the activities of the Elderly Person

D. Peraković, M. Periša, I. Cvitić, R. E. Sente, M. Radošević, P. Zorić

Web 2.0 services for informing elderly people: Web for Health

I. Jovović, I. Forenbacher, M. Periša

Massive Machine-Type Communications: An Overview and Perspectives Towards 5G

D. Peraković, M. Periša, I. Cvitić

Analysis of the IoT Impact on Volume of DDoS Attacks